Dogue de Bordeaux Puppies & Adults


 March 2025…We don’t have any puppies available at the moment, but there’s good news! More Dogue de Bordeaux puppies are due this month! They will be ready for their new homes the end of May.

If you are seriously interested in adding a Premiere Roux Dogue de Bordeaux puppy to your family, submit a puppy application today. Please read this page in its entirety prior to submitting an application. The following info will answer most of your questions pertaining to the puppy purchasing process.

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Contact us personally to find out about upcoming litters. Email is the best form of communication for me: [email protected] or call Diana at (417) 372-0345. Leave a brief message.


Champion Dogue de Bordeaux Puppies

Are you seriously interested in acquiring a Premiere Roux Dogue de Bordeaux puppy? If so, please submit your puppy application today to get the process started! 



Step 1 in the process is to submit a Puppy Application. As you would expect from a reputable Dogue de Bordeaux breeder, we screen potential homes very carefully. We respectfully inquire about your home, the family members living in the home, your research of the breed, and your daycare plan for your puppy.

It’s not unusual for me to get an application that contains only two or three word responses to most of the questions. That tells me the person is not serious enough to take the time to provide thorough answers which I need in order to properly assess if the home would be a fit for one of our puppies. Therefore, these types of applications will likely not receive a response from us. 

Step 2, read the Sample Puppy Contract. Familiarize yourself with what our health guarantee covers and does not cover, as well as what we require of our puppy families. Your official puppy sales contract, containing your puppy’s specific information, will be sent to you for signature after the litter is born and prior to the baby going home. 


99.9% of our Dogue de Bordeaux puppies are sold as companion pets on spay/neuter contracts with limited AKC registration. We will provide the AKC litter number, and AKC certified pedigrees of the sire and dam in your puppy’s going home binder. However, we do NOT provide the original AKC application for registration until proof of spay/neuter is received (after 18 months of age). Please see our Sample Puppy Contract. 

A Dogue de Bordeaux puppy sold as a “pet” it is not indicative of a lesser quality puppy. Rather, it is our wish for that puppy to become a member of someone’s family first and foremost. Above all, my goal is to produce exceptional, healthy Dogue de Bordeaux pets for warm, loving homes.

In special instances, we may consider placing a puppy in a home that is serious about showing and titling their Dogue de Bordeaux. The terms and purchase price for a breeding/show potential puppy will be determined based on the particular puppy and circumstances.


Our Dogue de Bordeaux companion pet puppy price begins at $3,100 and goes up from there depending on the specific breeding. The purchase price is also higher for the first pick male and female, and the second pick male and female.


A non-refundable deposit of $1,000 is required to reserve a puppy. The deposit will be applied to the total purchase price of your Dogue de Bordeaux puppy.

I cannot save anyone’s place in line on our waitlist without a deposit!


The first and second pick males/females are selected before everyone else. After that, the order in which the pet puppy deposits are received is the order the families will make their selections. For example, if there are two pet puppy male deposits received, the family who is recorded as sending their deposit first will get to choose first.

We select our puppies when they are between 6 – 8 weeks of age and after they have each been microchipped.


Puppy Flight Nanny

We encourage and prefer puppy buyers to come to our home to pick up their Dogue de Bordeaux puppy. However, we understand this is not always a possibility. We can arrange to have your Dogue de Bordeaux puppy flown to a major airport near you using the services of a professional puppy flight nanny. At this time, the cost to fly a puppy with our puppy nanny is approximately $875. This fee is set by the nanny and therefore we have no control over any changes in this pricing. The Dogue de Bordeaux is a “snub-nosed” breed and strictly prohibited to fly cargo. 

When flying with the puppy nanny, flexibility is absolutely required because the nanny flies stand-by. This is how the fee stays reasonable. Thus, last minute cancellations and delays are possible. Certain times of the year are particularly challenging for the flight nanny such as holidays and the harsh winter months when weather can create major hiccups in the nanny’s journey with your puppy. During these times, the nanny’s cost may be higher than normal due to the possibility of getting stuck in a city overnight while en route to you. In some instances, it may be more cost efficient for you to purchase an airline ticket and fly the puppy home personally. If you decide to go this route, we will make arrangements to meet you at the airport with your puppy. 

Airlines have strict size restrictions for carry-on pets. The weight limit being 20 lbs. Typically, Dogue de Bordeaux puppies over 9 weeks of age are too big to fly. In the event your puppy is too large to fly, and personal pick up is not an option, ground transportation can be arranged. This fee is calculated based on the destination and the driver’s route.

Ground Transportation

The ground transportation company offers door to door service meaning they deliver your puppy right to your front door. There are two different options available when ground transporting. “Private Transport” or “Shared Transport”. Please read over these options carefully. While the Shared option is the cheapest, it also the least ideal for the puppy as they will be stuck in the vehicle in a crate for 2 – 3 days! I do not recommend this option for our puppies.

PRIVATE TRANSPORT: Your Dogue de Bordeaux puppy is the only one on board. The driver will pick up your puppy at our home and drive directly to you, with a firmly scheduled and predictable date/time of delivery. The cost is $1.35 per mile one way. The availability of Private Transport is limited, and must be requested well in advance.

SHARED TRANSPORT: As they crisscross the United States, your baby is one of several being picked up and dropped off along the route. This option requires flexibility for all involved, as there are so many moving parts in this scenario. Be prepared and accepting of these terms when choosing this more affordable option. Your puppy will be delivered within 2-3 days of pickup. They deliver 24 hours a day. Your puppy may arrive in the middle of the night, so you’ll need to be prepared for that.

While we certainly understand that this is a substantial cost, be assured your puppy is in caring, capable hands during the biggest journey of their young lives. That peace of mind is well worth the cost.


I do not have Dogue de Bordeaux puppies for sale year round. I am a hobby Dogue de Bordeaux breeder which means I only occasionally have puppies available. As a result, it’s understandable that we have numerous families interested in our special puppies.

Here is how our “Waiting List” works:

Paid Reservation List: Families/individuals who have submitted their application and who have subsequently been approved as a home for one of our Dogue de Bordeaux puppies, have the opportunity to place a deposit at any time to reserve the next available puppy of their preferred gender.

Placing a deposit is the ONLY way to guarantee your place in line on our waitlist.

Oftentimes, our puppies are spoken for before they are even born. If there are any puppies in a litter that have not been reserved, we will make that announcement on our website. So if you are interested in a Premiere Roux Dogue de Bordeaux puppy, but do not want to place a deposit before the litter is born, please check back here for updates. Or, contact us directly. 

Please understand, if you have not placed a deposit, you are NOT guaranteed a puppy nor can I save your place in line. 


• We give our Dogue de Bordeaux puppies the best possible start a puppy can have before he or she arrives to you.

• We breed for quality puppies NOT quantity of puppies. We have few litters. As a result, we are able to give each dog, each mama, each litter, each and every puppy the attention they deserve.

• All of our Dogue de Bordeaux puppies not only descend from elite champion bloodlines, but because we remain active in showing our own dogs, our litters are almost always champion sired and/or damed. So whether you are looking for a companion pet, or a show potential Dogue de Bordeaux puppy, we breed for the exceptional.

• Your Dogue de Bordeaux puppy will be sold with a written contract/health guarantee, vaccination record, veterinarian health certificate, AKC pedigree documentation, microchip registration information, and an extensive informational puppy packet.

• You become part of our family. You are guaranteed of our attention and support should you have issues, questions, concerns, or are simply sharing a happy puppy update with us. We love keeping in touch with our Premiere Roux families!

Dogue de Bordeaux Buyer’s Checklist

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success” – Alexander Graham Bell

Are you ready for a Dogue de Bordeaux? Is each item checked on your list?

  • You have researched the breed extensively.
  • You know the health issues the breed is prone to. You understand there is potential for these conditions to develop in any DDB regardless of the line, pedigree, breeder, or testing of ancestors. Please take a moment to read the DDBSA’s Health Considerations.
  • You know that buying from a reputable Dogue de Bordeaux breeder is worth the expense.
  • You have sufficient time to devote to training a new puppy.
  • Everyone in your household is on board with the decision to bring home a DDB.
  • You have/will have all the supplies needed for a DDB.
  • You know the exercise requirements & limitations of this breed.
  • You have counted the cost of not only purchasing a DDB puppy, but have taken into consideration the cost of caring for a DDB for years to come.
  • You understand a DDB must live indoors only.
  • You can live with drool.
  • Most importantly, you LOVE the breed.