You will need plenty of supplies to keep your new Dogue de Bordeaux puppy healthy, safe and content. Many of which will continue to be required as your puppy grows into adulthood.
You will receive a starter pack from us that includes:
- Collar and leash.
- Baby blanket or Plush Toy. Put this item in the crate with the puppy when he/she sleeps. Do not wash for several weeks. The scent of momma and littermates will be a great comfort to the baby and will help soothe him/her.
- Doggy bag of puppy food.
- Veterinarian health certificate and vaccination record.
- Informational binder containing grooming, exercise, training, and houbreaking guidelines
- Nuvet Starter Pack
These supplies should be gathered and prepared in advance before the arrival of the puppy. They will go a long way in helping the little one adjust to his/her new surroundings.
- Schedule an Appointment With Your Vet – You must have the puppy checked by your veterinarian within 72 hours of bringing him/her home and set up the next round of inoculations.
- Pet Insurance – It is completely your decision whether or not you purchase pet insurance for your Dogue de Bordeaux. Although, I do encourage it because this is a breed prone to various health issues. Big Dogues = Big Vet Bills.
- Dog Food – I typically wean my litters on Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy formula. For more information see the post What Should I Feed My Dogue de Bordeaux Puppy. Poor nutrition can do serious, long-term damage to a growing mastiff puppy
- Nuvet Plus – Have your Nuvet Plus ordered and on hand when you bring your baby home. Order at
- Supplements – Besides NuVet, there are few other supplements that can be so good for your Dogue de Bordeaux. I will send a separate page containing a list of beneficial supplements in the puppy pack.
- Travel Crate – If you are driving to pick up your puppy you will want a travel crate for your puppy to ride home in. Especially if you will not have any passengers riding with you. A travel crate size of approximately 32″L X 22.5″W X 24″H will suffice for your journey. This should not be your puppy’s permanent crate as he/she will outgrow it very quickly.
- Wire Crate – Wire crates allow for greater visibility as well as air flow. This is important for brachycephalic breeds. Your Dogue’s crate is his/her den/bedroom/sanctuary. Drape a bed sheet over the crate to give it that ‘den’ feeling. Purchase a crate with a divider that will accommodate your Dogue de Bordeaux when he/she is full grown as opposed to purchasing a new crate every time your puppy has a growth spurt. Your wallet will thank you! Simply adjust the divider as needed as the puppy grows. The minimum size you will need for an adult Bordeaux is a 48” X 30” X 33”.
- Bedding – You’ll want to put some comfy, washable bedding in the crate. A big, cushioney dog bed is nice, although hard to wash if it doesn’t have a removable cover and your pup may decide to chew it up. While your puppy is still in training use blankets and towels that can be thrown in the washing machine. Crate trays are made of plastic or metal so ideal for cleaning, however they offer no comfort or traction for your Dogue de Bordeaux. I hate seeing big dogs struggle to get up because the floor is too slick. This is not good for their joints at all. I use Primo Pads for our dog crates. They provide great padding and are so easy to clean.
- Dishes – A stainless steel bowl is best for feeding. Dogues de Bordeaux are at a high risk for Bloat (Gastric Dilation, Torsion, Volvulus). You can minimize the risk to your Dogue de Bordeaux by carefully controlling when and how your dog eats his/her meals. We want to avoid our Dogue gulping down his/her food. Use a slow feeder bowl if you have a fast eater on your hands. Food and water dishes should be rinsed out daily and washed with soap and hot water as least once a week. We use 6 quart stainless steel water pails. ***Note*** Dogues drool excessively while drinking. Set the water pail in a shoe tray to catch the initial water fall. Dogues will slime up their water dish in just a couple of uses. They do not like to drink water that is full of drool. You will need to refresh their water throughout the day.
- Leash & Collars – It is never too early to train your puppy to walk nicely on a leash. The sooner, the better! A typical webbing collar and leash is appropriate for a young puppy. Check the collar once a day for proper fit. Your puppy is growing rapidly! Front clip harnesses work equally well for young pups. For training, we like to use a 6 foot leash. Never use a choke chain or prong collar on a young baby. Such collars should be used for training periods only (when the dog is old enough) and should never be left on your Dogue de Bordeaux when you are not in a training session. When you have an extremely stubborn puller on your hands, we suggest the Gentle Leader head harness Link.
- Clicker and Treats – Scrumptious treats for positive reinforcement training. Combine the use of treats with a Clicker. Your Dogue will love learning new things when you train with this method. One of our dogs’ favorite “treats” are Bully Sticks. It keeps them occupied for awhile and they love ’em!
- Chew Toys – Kong brand toys are durable enough to hold up to the kind of punishment your Dogue de Bordeaux will put them through. Provide a variety of textures. Some puppies prefer rope toys, some rubber toys, others like balls. Avoid toys that have little parts that can be broken or chewed off and then swallowed. Use caution with raw hides. As the dog chews on the raw hide it gets smaller and smaller and eventually fits completely in the dog’s mouth. This could lead to a choking disaster. Especially if you go to take the raw hide away. Most dogs will try to swallow whatever they have in their mouths instead of giving it to you. Alternatively, opt for a large raw bone or real antlers that will not splinter or break.
- Cleaning Supplies – Baby wipes, vinegar, baking soda, carpet spot cleaner, bleach, original blue Dawn dish soap. NO PINE PRODUCTS.
- Drool Rags – Cut up old t-shirts, hand towels, anything will do.
- Baby Gates – An 8 week old puppy should not have free reign of the entire house. There will be rooms you don’t want your puppy exploring all the time.
- Ear Plugs – The first few nights home with your Dogue de Bordeaux puppy are usually sleepless for the both of you. These might help.
Nails – I prefer and recommend the Dremel tool. For traditional nail clippers, we like Safari brand Link.
Teeth – Dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste such as Petrodex Link. Do not use any human oral hygiene products on your dog!
Ears – Ear wipes and an ear cleaner should be kept on hand. For ear infections we use Zymox with Hydrocortisone Link or a homemade solution using gentian violet.
Coat – Oatmeal dog shampoo for sensitive skin. For brushing and de-shedding I use the SleekEZ grooming tool, the Kong Zoom Groom brush and the Furminator comb.
Nose – Brachycephalic breeds are prone to developing dry, crusty noses. Keep a product on hand such as A & D Ointment or Vaseline to moisturize as needed.
First aid handbook for dogs
First aid kit
Pet ramp for entering and exiting vehicles, RV’s, etc.
Emergency bloat kit sold by Nature’s Farmacy Link