Who Are We?

Premiere Roux is more than a Dogue de Bordeaux breeder and kennel. We are a Dogue de Bordeaux family. Located in south central Missouri, Premiere Roux Bordeaux is ran by myself, Diana, my husband Shane and our young son Eli. We share our lives with these big guys. In addition to health testing, I enjoy exhibiting my Dogues in AKC conformation events to prove the quality of our stock. We stay active in showing every year.
I have intentionally kept our “operation” small allowing for the exclusive one on one time every dog not only craves, but needs in order to be a well adjusted member of our pack. We have just a few litters per year. All Premiere Roux Dogue de Bordeaux puppies are raised in the puppy nursery inside our home. From birth on the puppies are handled at every feeding round the clock as we do not allow our mommas to nurse unsupervised for the newborns’ safety. This means no sleep for us for the first few weeks! Our puppies are played with and adored for as long as they are with us.
Here are some fun videos showing our indoor and outdoor play yard set ups that we’ve designed for our Dogue de Bordeaux litters. Once the puppies are old enough, and when weather permits, the outdoor playground is their favorite. Plus it helps the puppies get a good start on potty training. The indoor playpen is smack dab in the middle of our great room and is where the pups spend most of their day playing, wrestling, napping and taking in the daily activities of our household. Toys/objects are changed out often to introduce the puppies to as many new shapes, sounds, smells and textures as possible. We litter box train the puppies using dehydrated alfalfa pellets. This makes for a much cleaner environment for our babies and it makes for an easier transition to outdoor training because alfalfa smells like grass!
Living in the Ozarks affords many opportunities not available to everyone and we never take it for granted. We have creeks, rivers and lakes all within minutes of our home. We always include the Dogues in our excursions whenever possible. Additionally, our property allows the Bordeauxs to stretch their legs and simply enjoy being DOGS. Here you see the fields abutting our 15 wooded acreage. Two large hay fields with walking trails and water hole at the dogs’ disposal. If you want to see more pictures and videos, be sure to like our Facebook page! I often post fun videos and photos of our pack’s antics

Premiere Roux Home And Kennel
The Premiere Roux Bordeaux family is elated to announce our new home and custom kennel facilities were completed in late Summer of 2017. Shane has constructed a wonderful 4,000 sq foot “barn-dominium” cottage for us and our Dogues de Bordeaux on 16 wooded acres. Some breeders prefer to put some distance between themselves and their dog kennels. Not us! We want our red babies as close as possible while still affording each of us our own personal space. That is why our home, kennel, and puppy nursery are all under one big roof. This setup allows us to easily bring the dogs from kennel to living room. Each of the dogs get ample house time. We have at least one Bordeaux in our home at all times and they all take turns.
Our 1,200 sq foot kennel features heat & air (obviously), beautifully stained concrete floors, spacious indoor / outdoor runs, elevated orthopedic Kuranda dog beds, custom drainage system for easy cleaning and disinfecting, kitchenette for daily food prep and cleaning of all dishes. We have installed a huge exercise yard encompassing the kennel and individual dog runs. We have just to open their gates and they have free run of the yard. A perfect facility for our small number of Dogues de Bordeaux.

Here I am playing ball with the pack in our large play yard:
Our Mission
My mission statement as a reputable Dogue de Bordeaux breeder can be summed up in one sentence:
Provide healthy, superior Dogue de Bordeaux puppies to individuals & families who will cherish them as the treasures they are.
How is Premiere Roux accomplishing this goal?
1.) By screening potential buyers. I respectfully inquire about such things as your lifestyle, your goals for your Dogue de Bordeaux, your puppy day care plan, your research of the breed. This is to ensure a perfect fit for human and puppy.
2.) By actively health testing each individual dog who is being considered as an addition to the breeding program. Hip, heart, and elbow evaluations are just a few of the areas we examine carefully.
Why Us?
Why buy a Dogue de Bordeaux puppy from Premiere Roux? I implore you to read our above mission statement, explore our website, look at our photographs. I believe our breeding program speaks for itself.
A reputable breeder can be difficult to find. For many, the search starts on the internet. Sometimes this in itself takes weeks or months. Finally, you think you have narrowed the search results down to one or two kennels. Eager to make contact, perhaps you send them an email. Over the next several days you check your inbox constantly. So anxious you are for a reply because now that you know where you want to buy a puppy from, you are giddy to get the process started. One week goes by, then two, no reply received. Or, perhaps you do receive a reply, but it comes weeks later! Then you think to yourself, ‘What if I have questions or problems after I purchase this puppy?’ ‘Am I going to have this kind of trouble getting in touch with the breeder?’
You certainly won’t here! We work hard to reassure each puppy buyer that we are here for them. Standing firmly behind the Dogues de Bordeaux we produce. Our lifetime support is guaranteed. This business practice expands beyond just puppy buyers. Anyone who wishes to contact us with questions are welcome to do so. Premiere Roux is diligent in extending the type of courtesy you would expect from a reputable Premiere Roux Dogue de Bordeaux breeder.